
Niki Penlidis

Events Coordinator
Active Since
Nov 2023
Country of Birth
Toronto, Canada
Fun fact:

I worked as a gymnastics coach for 5 years.

What is your personal goal for your IMSoG position?

As an event coordinator, I am excited to bring students together across all classes and foster inclusivity through events. I’d like to focus on incorporating the mentality of work-life balance for our future medical professionals.

Why do you want to become a doctor?

I was drawn to the medical field due to my curiosity about the human body and what can be done to keep it functioning optimally. I am fascinated by the cause and effect of the environment and the interconnected body systems. I aspire to make a meaningful impact by helping vulnerable individuals. Becoming a doctor will enable me to contribute to the well-being of others and provide compassionate care to those in need.